Tuesday 25 March 2014

FCC Seizes Counterfeit NOKIA Mobile Phones in Kariakoo, Dar es Salaam

The Fair Competition Commission has today seized about 154 counterfeited NOKIA Mobile Phones in a Dawn Raid Conducted in two shops which were suspected to stock counterfeited mobile phones of the named brand.

The Dawn Raid operation was conducted in the morning of Tuesday 25th March, 2014 at the Uhuru Round About shops belonging to M/S Shaibu Khamisi and M/S Omari Selemani, in which 20 and 134 pieces were seized respectively.

Fair Competition Commission (FCC) led the operation and worked in collaboration with the Police Force, whereas the International Corporate Research (ICR) Regional Manager for Africa, Mr. Dean Jones supervised the operation.

The consignment is estimated to have a value of TShs. 15m/-.

Pictures of the Dawn Raid Operation have been provided below.

 The Inspection team finalising a search and seizure operational strategy before carrying out the actual Dawn Raid in Kariakoo, today, 25th Marh, 2014, 
  The Inspection team organising groups before carrying out the actual Dawn Raid in Kariakoo, today, 25th Marh, 2014, 
 International Corporate Research (ICR)'s Africa Regional Manager, Mr. Dean Jones along with FCC Officials Police officers (not in uniform), inspecting samples of NOKIA Mobile Phones in Kariakoo, today, 25th March, 2014.
  International Corporate Research (ICR)'s Africa Regional Manager, Mr. Dean Jones along with FCC Officials Police officers (not in uniform), inspecting samples of NOKIA Mobile Phones in Kariakoo, today, 25th March, 2014.
  International Corporate Research (ICR)'s Africa Regional Manager, Mr. Dean Jones along with FCC Officials Police officers (not in uniform), inspecting samples of NOKIA Mobile Phones in Kariakoo, today, 25th March, 2014.
 FCC Officials, Police officers (not in uniform) and ICR representative, inspecting samples of NOKIA Mobile Phones in Kariakoo, today, 25th March, 2014.
 Police officer ensuring that peace is maintained while inspection goes on inside one of the searched shops.
  International Corporate Research (ICR)'s Africa Regional Manager, Mr. Dean Jones along with FCC Officials Police officers (not in uniform), inspecting samples of NOKIA Mobile Phones in Kariakoo, today, 25th March, 2014.
  International Corporate Research (ICR)'s Africa Regional Manager, Mr. Dean Jones inspecting samples of NOKIA Mobile Phones in Kariakoo, today, 25th March, 2014.
 International Corporate Research (ICR)'s Africa Regional Manager, Mr. Dean Jones inspecting samples of NOKIA Mobile Phones in Kariakoo, today, 25th March, 2014.
A consignment of seized mobile phones seized today, 25th March, 2014, awaiting final verification to conformity with NOKIA validation tests.
A consignment of seized mobile phones seized today, 25th March, 2014, awaiting final verification to conformity with NOKIA validation tests.

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