Wednesday 5 March 2014

Case Statement to the last ten (10) of more than 200 ATI Members

The Fair Competition Commission has sent out a Case Statement to more than 200 Insurance Firms, Brokers, Agents and their Executive Officers. Below is the Case Statement Notice to the Last 10 Insurers who could not be reached by phones and couriers, the same will appear in the Local Newspapers within a space of two to three days.

 COMPLAINT NO 4 of 2013

The Fair Competition Commission (FCC) would like to bring to the attention of the Respondents listed hereunder, who could neither be reached by direct delivery nor by EMS document delivery arrangements due to communication breakdown after relocating their offices to unknown locations, the following Case Statement.

Below is the list of respondents targeted by this Case Statement Notice.
Target’s Title
The 64th Respondent
Insurance broker
The 65th Respondent
Principal officer of the 64th Respondent
The 89th Respondent
Insurance broker
The 90th Respondent
Principal officer of the 89th  Respondent
The 95th Respondent
Insurance broker
The 96th Respondent
Principal officer of the 95th   Respondent
The 215th Respondent
Insurance broker
The 216th Respondent
Principal officer of the 215th   Respondent
The 217th Respondent
Insurance broker
The 218th Respondent
Principal officer of the 217th   Respondent


(Statement of the case was made under Rule 12(3) of the Fair Competition Commission Rules of Procedure, 2013)

The Fair Competition Commission (herein referred to as “the Complainant” or “the FCC”) noting that the Association of Tanzania Insurers (ATI); its Chairperson  and its members, as well as the Tanzania Insurance Brokers Association (TIBA) and its Chairperson and its members (herein referred to as  “the Respondents”) have violated the provisions of Section 9 (1) (a) and 9 (2) (a) of the Fair Competition Act, No. 8 of 2003 (herein referred to as “the FCA”), do hereby, and in accordance with Section 69(2)(b) of FCA; Rule 10(1)(b); Rule 10(2)  and Rule 12(3) of the Fair Competition Commission Procedure Rules of 2013 (herein referred to as “the FCC Procedure Rules”),  institute  a Complaint against the Respondents , and submits to the Respondents  the following Statement of the Case containing  facts which  constitute the Complaint and the provisions of the law so far violated by the Respondents.

For the purpose of this Statement the parties are as hereunder:


The Complainant is the FCC; an independent government entity established under Section 62 of the FCA, and its address for the purposes of correspondences is:
Fair Competition Commission,
2nd Floor, Western Wing,
Ubungo Plaza Building,
P.O. Box 7883,
                                                            Dar es Salaam.


 The Respondents to this complaint are stated herein below:
1.    The 64th Respondent is a private company registered as insurance broker in Tanzania to provide insurance services, and is also a member of the 23rd  Respondent its address for the purpose of service of this complaint statement is:

Afrinsurance Brokers Limited,
P.O Box 4935,
Dar es Salaam.
2.    The 65th  Respondent is a natural personal and a Principal Officer of the 64th Respondent, and his address for the purpose of service of this complaint statement is:
Mr. Fares Godfrey, 
Afrinsurance Brokers Limited,
P.O Box 4935,
Dar es Salaam.

3.    The 89th Respondent is a private company registered as insurance broker in Tanzania to provide insurance services, and is also a member of the 23rd  Respondent, its address for the purpose of service of this complaint statement is:
Blue Insurance Services (T) Ltd,
P.O Box 21799,
Dar es Salaam.

4.    The 90th Respondents is a natural person and a Principal Officer of the 89th Respondent, and his addresses for the purpose of service of this complaint statement is:

Mr. Alfred Mukama,
Blue Insurance Services (T) Ltd,
P.O Box 21799,
Dar es Salaam.

5.    The 95th Respondent is a private company registered as insurance broker in Tanzania to provide insurance services, and is also a member of the 23rd  Respondent, its address for the purpose of service of this complaint statement is:

Chombo Insurance Brokers Ltd,
P.O Box 76856,
Dar es Salaam.
6.    The 96th Respondents is a natural person and a Principal Officer of the 95th Respondent, and his addresses for the purpose of service of this complaint statement is:
Mr. Joseph S. Mang’ana,
Chombo Insurance Brokers Ltd,
P.O Box 76856,
Dar es Salaam.

7.    The 215th Respondent is a private company registered as insurance broker in Tanzania to provide insurance services, and is also a member of the 23rd  Respondent, its address for the purpose of service of this complaint statement is:
SmartJet insurance brokers Ltd,

P.O Box 652731,
Dar es Salaam.
8.     The 216th  Respondents is a natural person and a Principal Officer of the 215th Respondent, and her addresses for the purpose of service of this complaint statement is:
Ms. Annavivian Rutaihwa,
SmartJet insurance brokers Ltd,
P.O Box 652731,
Dar es Salaam.

9.     The 217th  Respondent is a private company registered as insurance broker in Tanzania to provide insurance services, and is also a member of the 23rd  Respondent, its address for the purpose of service of this complaint statement is:

Sunrise Insurance Broker Limited,
P.O Box 38140,
Dar es Salaam.

10.The 218th  Respondents is a natural person and a Principal Officer of the 217th  Respondent, and her addresses for the purpose of service of this complaint statement is:

Ms. Upendo Mpyopyo,
Sunrise Insurance Broker Limited,
P.O Box 38140,
Dar es Salaam.


All the above listed Respondents, jointly and severally:

3.1         Have on the 26th March 2013 entered  into a concerted conduct of fixing prices for the provision of motor insurance within Tanzania in contravention of the provisions of section 9 (1) (a) and S. 9 (2) (a)  of the Fair Competition Act, 2003.

3.2         and, on the basis of such infringement of the provisions of  section 9 (1) (a) and S. 9 (2) (a)  of the Fair Competition Act, 2003 all those Respondents herein above named which are corporate/legal persons are liable to pay to the Complainant, an administrative monetary penalty (AMP) of a sum of money equal to their 10% of their annual turnover as provided for in section  60 (1) of the Fair Competition Commission Act, 2003, for having contravened the provisions of section 9 (1) (a) and 9 (2) (a) of the Fair Competition Act, 2003. 

3.3         and, on the basis of such infringement of the provisions of section 9 (1) (a) and S. 9 (2) (a) of the Fair Competition Act, 2003 and in effecting of the provisions of section 60 (2) of the Fair Competition Act, 2003 all Respondents jointly and or severally be condemned to pay to any such person who can provide proof to the Commission of having suffered as a result of the infringement of the said provisions by the Respondents. 

3.4         and, on the basis of such infringement of the provisions of section 9 (1) (a) and S. 9 (2) (a) of the Fair Competition Act, 2003  and in effecting of the provisions of section 60 (3) of the Fair Competition Act, 2003 all Respondents jointly and or severally which are  natural persons be deemed guilty of that offence.


This claim in this proceeding is made in reliance on the following facts:

4.1         THAT, on 15th and 22nd February 2013, the 1st  Respondent and its members, while fully aware of the fact that they are competitors in the market for the provision of motor insurance services, convened and participated in meetings aimed at  fixing premium rates for different classes of  the motor vehicle insurance.

4.2         THAT, in such meetings the 1st Respondent and its members did agree and approved that all members of the 1st Respondents should adopt similar premium rates for motor insurance to operate throughout the market.

4.3         THAT, on the basis of such agreement and approval, the Respondents entered into and signed, on the 26th March 2013, a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) as evidence of their commitment to fix premiums rates for motor insurance, a fact which amounts to a form of price fixing between competitors prohibited by S. 9 (1) (a) and S. 9 (2) (a) of the Fair Competition Act, 2003.

4.4         THAT, in compliance with such  MoU, all non-life members of the 1st Respondent, present or otherwise, agreed to and signed the said MoU intended to fix the price charges on motor premium with full knowledge that such act was in contravention of the law, as they were competitors in business.

4.5         THAT, pursuant to what is stated in paragraph (3.4) above, all members of the 1st Respondent, present or otherwise, agreed to control the price on the terms and condition set out in the memorandum of commitment and prescribed for penalties to be meted out against any member who might breach their commitment.

4.6         THAT, with full knowledge of the nature of the agreement entered by the members of the 1st Respondent, on 1st July, 2013, the  Association of Insurance Brokers (TIBA) (23rd  Respondent) issued  a Joint Public Notice with ATI (1st Respondent) to give effect on the agreed Motor Premium Rates Adjustment.

4.7         THAT, following the joint public notice issued jointly by the 1st Respondent and 23rd Respondent the members of TIBA (the 59th Respondent to the 232 Respondent) gave and continues to give effect to the agreed Motor Premium Rates Adjustment by charging the price fixed by ATI (the 1st Respondent and its members, (the 2nd Respondent to 22nd Respondent)).

4.8         THAT, on 1st September 2013, the 1st Respondent and the 23rd Respondent issued a joint public notice to the public regarding the fixed premium rates for Motor Insurance, and such joint notice was approved and signed by the 24th and the 25th Respondent while fully aware that the joint notice in support of price fixing by competitors was contravening the law.

4.9         THAT, on 22nd October 2013 the Complainant wrote a letter, (Ref. FCC/Complaint No.1/2013/7) to the 1st Respondent, requiring the 1st Respondent to avail to the Complainant, within seven days, a certified copy the MoU signed by its members on 26th March 2013.

4.10     THAT, to date, the 1st Respondent has failed or neglected to provide to the Complainant the certified copy of the MoU.

4.11      THAT, on the basis of the facts as set out in the above paragraphs, the Respondents have manifestly infringed the provisions of sections 9(1) (a) and (2) (a) of the Fair Competition Act, 2003.

5.0      WHEREFORE the Complainant’s prayers to the Commissioners against the Respondents are as follows:

5.1         THAT, in terms of Section 59(4) (c) of the FCA, the Commission be pleased to make an order that the MoU entered by 1st Respondent and its members, and which the 23rd Respondent and its members having been giving effects to its contents, is void.

5.2         THAT, the Commission, in terms of Section 60(1) of the FCA, imposes severally a penalty equal 10% of annual turnover  to the 64th, 89th, 95th, 215th and 217th for involvement in the price fixing and giving effects thereon.

5.3         THAT the Commission, in terms of Section 60(2) of the Fair Competition Act, 2003, imposes jointly and severally against all the Respondents to pay/deposit with the Commission, a monetary value as damages to be recovered by all such persons person who can provide proof to the Commission of having suffered as a result of the infringement of the said provisions by the Respondents.

5.4         THAT the Commission, in terms of Section 60(3) of the FCA Fair Competition Act, 2003, deems all Respondents who are natural persons to be deemed guilty of the offence of infringing the provisions of  section 9 (1) (a) and S. 9 (2) (a)  of the Fair Competition Act, 2003. 

5.5         THAT, the Commission be pleased to make an order that the notice of New Motor Insurance Rates issued by the 1st and the 23rd Respondents and signed by the 24th and 25th Respondents, and which became effective from 1st September 2013, is void.

5.6         THAT, the Commission in terms of Section 58(1) and (3) of the FCA, the Commission be pleased to issue a Compliance Order against all Respondents requiring them to refrain from any future conduct that infringes of section 9 (1) (a) and S. 9 (2) (a) of the FCA.

5.7         THAT, the Commission be pleased to issue an order requiring all  Respondents  to terminate forthwith their concerted conduct of price fixing rates motor insurance as promulgated in the  Joint Public Notice with ATI (1st Respondent) to give effect on the agreed Motor Premium Rates Adjustment. , and immediately cease from contravening the provisions of section 9 (1) (a) and 9 (2) (a) of the Fair Competition Act, 2003.

5.8         THAT, the Commission be pleased to issue a public notice severely  reprimanding the 65th, 90th, 96th, 216th and 218th Respondents for their failure to prevent the contravention of the  provisions of S. 9 (1) (a) and S. 9 (2) (a)  the FCA.

5.9         Any other relief that the Commission may deem fit to grant.

Without Prejudice to the above:

LET ALL RESPONDENTS HEREIN TAKE NOTICE that should any of the Respondents fail to respond to this Amended Statement of the Case within 14 days after first date of publication of this Notice in Newspapers, the Complainant will consider that the failing Respondent has waived his/her right to respond to this claims and therefore the Complainant will proceed with the complaint in accordance with the provisions of the Fair Competition Procedure Rules 2013.
This Statement of Claim is Signed and issued under my hand on behalf of the Claimant at Dar-es-Salaam on this 4th day of March 2014. 



Res. No.
Respondent name and Address
Res. No.
Res. Name and Address
Afrinsurance Brokers Limited,
P.O Box 4935,
Dar es Salaam.

Mr. Joseph S. Mang’ana,
Chombo Insurance Brokers Ltd,         
P.O Box 76856,
Dar es Salaam.
Mr. Fares Godfrey,                    Afrinsurance Brokers Limited,
P.O Box 4935,
Dar es Salaam.
SmartJet insurance brokers Ltd,
P.O Box 652731,
Dar es Salaam.

Blue Insurance Services (T) Ltd,                         
P.O Box 21799,
Dar es Salaam.
Ms. Annavivian Rutaihwa,
SmartJet insurance brokers Ltd,         
P.O Box 652731,
Dar es Salaam.
Mr. Alfred Mukama,
Blue Insurance Services (T) Ltd,                         
P.O Box 21799,
Dar es Salaam.
Sunrise Insurance Broker Limited,
P.O Box 38140,
Dar es Salaam.

Chombo Insurance Brokers Ltd,         
P.O Box 76856,
Dar es Salaam.
Ms. Upendo Mpyopyo,    
Sunrise Insurance Broker Limited,      
P.O Box 38140,
Dar es Salaam.

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