Tuesday 22 April 2014

Picha za Zoezi la Kukamata Bidhaa Bandia katika Jiji la Arusha Aprili 9-12, 2014

FCC inspectors entering to inspect one of the Godowns in Mbauda Area.
 FCC inspectors inspecting Tiger Head Batteries Consignment in one of the Godowns in Mbauda Area.
 FCC inspectors inspecting Tiger Head Batteries Consignment in one of the Godowns in Mbauda Area.
 FCC inspectors inspecting goods shipment documents  in one of the Godowns in Mbauda Area.
  FCC inspectors inspecting a vehicle in one of the godowns in Mbauda Area.
One of the hardware shops inspected by FCC inspectors along Uhuru Road in Arusha.
 FCC inspectors readying to inspect Nancy Shop shop near Sheikh Amri Abeid Stadium Area.
  FCC inspectors inspecting a CBK hardware shop near Sheikh Amri Abeid Stadium Area.
   One of FCC inspectors inspecting a sample of counterfeit Lorenzetti Instant heater at CBK hardware shop near Sheikh Amri Abeid Stadium Area.
  A team of FCC inspectors (left) discussing) after seizing counterfeit Lorenzetti Instant Heaters at CBK shop while police officers (right) docunebtbg teh search and seizure operation near Sheikh Amri Abeid Stadium Area.
 FCC and some police officers undertaking enforcement procedures to Merchandise Marks Act Offenders who were found trading in counterfeit goods during the search and seizure operations in Arusha.
 Shamika Enterprises, one of the shops inspected and found to contain counterfeit NIVEA lotions at the Sheikh Amri Abeid Stadium.
 One of the FCC inspectors verifying the authenticity of the seized NIVEA lotions at the Shamika Enterprises at the Sheikh Amri Abeid Stadium. The shops was found to contain counterfeit NIVEA lotions, which were seized.
  A cross section of the seized counterfeit NIVEA lotions, at the Shamika Enterprises at the Sheikh Amri Abeid Stadium area.
FCC Official and police officer (partly hidden to the left) undertaking enforcement procedure at  the Arusha Regional Police Office to owners of the Shamika Enterprises following a seizure operations conducted on their shop located at the Sheikh Amri Abeid Stadium area.

 FCC Official arranging consignments of seized products in preparation for storage and destruction exercises.

 FCC Official arranging consignments of seized products in preparation for storage and destruction exercises.

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