Tuesday 1 April 2014

Babati DC Advocate for Stronger Inter-agency Cooperation, Stronger Market Supervision

The Manyara Regional Commissioner, Hon. Elastol Mbwilo has urged for  stronger cooperation between various government bodies and the private sector in curtailing conducts that impair effective competition in trade and commerce.

Hon. Mbwilo said this in a speech read on his behalf by the Babati District Commissioner, Hon. Hemed Mandia, while opening the stakeholder awareness seminar organized by the Fair Competition Commission and held at the White Rose Conference Hall in Babati, Manyara, today, 1st April, 2014.

The seminar involved several key stakeholder groups namely Government Department and agencies, producers, members of the business community and service providers notably the Tanzania Revenue Authority, Weight and Measures Agency, Judiciary, The Police Force, Journalists, Regional, District and District Councils’ Trade and Cooperative officers.

He stressed that whenever producers and service providers mainstream consumer interests and rights in their business undertakings,  they ensure sustainability of their very own businesses become more innovative.

The DC pointed out “Stakeholder awareness efforts give us an opportunity of sepaking the same language and open a cooperative platform to permit government agencies and departments to work together in deterring anticompetitive conducts, thereby making our economy an attractive and competitive investmate destination that can equally benefit local and international investors, while at the same time according consumers a wider opportunity to exercise their right to choose”.

He observed further that effective supervisión of the market economy framework also calls for the need for government agencies to Exchange information,trust one another as an when needs arise.

“We need to build a strong competition culture, by empowering our people to be  ready for and take up the challenges introduced by regional integrations such as Southern Africa Development Cooperation (SADC) and the East African Community (EAC)”, said Hon. Mandia. 

Similarly, the DC stressed a number of notable points including the fact that The Government commitment to continue improving business and investment climate by strengthening supervision of the market economy, Accountability in business undertakings, need for Trade Associations to ensure that manufacturers adhere to their obligations as stipulated in the Fair Competition Act, No. 8 of 2003.

The Manyara awareness seminar is part of the two tier efforts that will also cover the Arusha Region, whence the similar seminar will be held at the Kibo Palace Hotel on 4th April, 2014.

Similar seminars have also been held in Tanga, Kilimanjaro, Mara, Mwanza, Dodoma, Morogoro, Mtwara, Mbeya and Arusha in the past seven years.

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