Tuesday 22 April 2014

Picha za Zoezi la Kukamata Bidhaa Bandia katika Jiji la Arusha Aprili 9-12, 2014

FCC inspectors entering to inspect one of the Godowns in Mbauda Area.
 FCC inspectors inspecting Tiger Head Batteries Consignment in one of the Godowns in Mbauda Area.
 FCC inspectors inspecting Tiger Head Batteries Consignment in one of the Godowns in Mbauda Area.
 FCC inspectors inspecting goods shipment documents  in one of the Godowns in Mbauda Area.
  FCC inspectors inspecting a vehicle in one of the godowns in Mbauda Area.
One of the hardware shops inspected by FCC inspectors along Uhuru Road in Arusha.
 FCC inspectors readying to inspect Nancy Shop shop near Sheikh Amri Abeid Stadium Area.
  FCC inspectors inspecting a CBK hardware shop near Sheikh Amri Abeid Stadium Area.
   One of FCC inspectors inspecting a sample of counterfeit Lorenzetti Instant heater at CBK hardware shop near Sheikh Amri Abeid Stadium Area.
  A team of FCC inspectors (left) discussing) after seizing counterfeit Lorenzetti Instant Heaters at CBK shop while police officers (right) docunebtbg teh search and seizure operation near Sheikh Amri Abeid Stadium Area.
 FCC and some police officers undertaking enforcement procedures to Merchandise Marks Act Offenders who were found trading in counterfeit goods during the search and seizure operations in Arusha.
 Shamika Enterprises, one of the shops inspected and found to contain counterfeit NIVEA lotions at the Sheikh Amri Abeid Stadium.
 One of the FCC inspectors verifying the authenticity of the seized NIVEA lotions at the Shamika Enterprises at the Sheikh Amri Abeid Stadium. The shops was found to contain counterfeit NIVEA lotions, which were seized.
  A cross section of the seized counterfeit NIVEA lotions, at the Shamika Enterprises at the Sheikh Amri Abeid Stadium area.
FCC Official and police officer (partly hidden to the left) undertaking enforcement procedure at  the Arusha Regional Police Office to owners of the Shamika Enterprises following a seizure operations conducted on their shop located at the Sheikh Amri Abeid Stadium area.

 FCC Official arranging consignments of seized products in preparation for storage and destruction exercises.

 FCC Official arranging consignments of seized products in preparation for storage and destruction exercises.

Taarifa kwa Vyombo vya habari Kuhusu Zoezi la Kaguzi za Kushitukiza Kudhibiti Bindaa bandia Mwanza na Arusha

FCC Yakamata Bidhaa Bandia za Sh. Mil 30/- Mwanza na Arusha

Wakaguzi wa Tume ya Ushindani (FCC), wakifanya kazi kwa mujibu wa Sheria ya Alama za Bidhaa (1963), iliyorekebishwa, pamoja na kanuni za Sheria hiyo za mwaka 2012, wameendesha zoezi la kaguzi za kushitukiza katika miji ya Arusha na Mwanza kati ya Aprili 8 na 12 na kukamata bidhaa bandia zenye thamani ya Sh. Milioni 30/-.

Bidhaa zilizokamatwa katika kaguzi za kushitukiza jiini Mwanza ni kama ilivyoainishwa hapa chini:

Bidhaa Bandia Zilizokamatwa
M/S Shaban Hussein Kombe (S.K Mobile Phone Shop)
Simu bandia aina ya Tecno mobile (216pcs)  na betri zake (2,556)
Mtaa wa Msikiti Wa Ijumaa
Duka la M/S Yassin Ibrahim Nyaludibha
Baygon (12pcs)
Mtaa wa Liberty
M/S Mama Mwijage Mini Super Market
Baygon (1pc) na kiwi (1pc)
Mtaa wa Liberty
Duka la Patric
Baygon (1pc)
Mtaa wa Liberty
M/S Sammiyya Najib Zaharo Mini Super Market
Baygon (1pc)
Mtaa wa Liberty

Operesheni iliyofanyika jijini Mwanza ilihusisha pia ukamataji wa bidhaa bandia za vipodozi 494 vilivyopigwa marufuku. Bidhaa hizo zilikabidhiwa kwa mamlaka ya Chakula na Dawa (TFDA) Kanda ya Ziwa kwa ajili ya hatua zaidi za kisheria. Vipodozi hivyo ni pamoja na  Carolight (190pcs), Losheni ya Betasol na krimu yake ya carl (188), Krimu ya Diproson (20 pcs) Losheni ya Diproson (12 pcs), Cocoderm (18 pcs)  na Prolight (18 pcs). Vipodozi vyote vilipatikana katika duka la Bw. Yassin Ibrahim Nyaludibha.

Maduka mengine ambayo yalikaguliwa lakini hayakukutwa na bidhaa bandia ni pamoja na Iman Shop, Lake Printing Works Ltd., Sahara Shop, George Mwendeshe Lukoninga, Joyce Kwandu Kichiba, Emmanuel Joseph Sisha, Abogast Marko Mhalagani, Aron Kisasa Shop na Dunia Mashala Ng’wanaomu.

Aidha, operesheni ya kaguzi zilizoendeshwa jijini Arusha pia iliwezesha kukamatwa kwa bidhaa bandia kama ilivyoainishwa hapa chini:

Bidhaa Bandia Zilizokamatwa
Highland Hardware
Lorenzetti heater 1pc
Mtaa wa Sokoine
 Baltazari Mallya
Lorenzetti heater 3pcs
Mtaa wa Sokoine
 CBK trading

Lorenzetti heater  40pcs
Uwanja wa Sheikh Amri Abeid
Angelika Quality store
Lorenzetti heater 2pcs
Mtaa wa Levolusi
Maria Inocent Massawe
Losheni za Nivea (1pc)

Baraka Mangaro Nkya
Losheni za Nivea (11pcs)
Mtaa wa Annex
Shamika Enterprises
Losheni za Nivea (28pcs)
Mtaa wa Kaloleni
Super Cosmetics
Losheni za Nivea (56 pcs)

Janet Cosmetics
Losheni za Nivea (34 pcs)

Felix O Kimario
Mafuta ya kulainisha midomo ya Nivea (lip shine) (5 pcs)
Mtaa wa Levolosi
Raymond Cosmetics
Losheni za Nivea (28pcs)
Mtaa wa Zaramo

Karibu watuhumiwa wote walitimiza masharti ya utaratibu wa Mkondo wa haraka wa utanzuaji mashauri kwa mujibu wa Sheria ya Alama za Bidhaa (offence compoundment procedure) na kulipa faini kwa mujibu wa taratibu na kanuni za sheria hiyo, wakati bidhaa walizokamatwa nazo zikisubiri kuteketezwa.

Hata hivyo, mtuhumiwa mmoja, M/S Shamika Enterprises, alieleza dhamira yake ya kutumia mkondo wa mahakama za kawaida kupinga utaratibu wa adhabu uliotumiwa na Mkaguzi Mkuu wa MMA katika kumuadhibu. Shauri hilo litafuata Mkondo wa Sheria ya Makosa ya jinai kama ilivyoainishwa katika Sheria husika.

Kaguzi zote ziliendeshwa kwa kushirikiana na wasimamizi na wawakilishi wa wamiliki wa hataza na miliki bunifu zilizobainika kughushiwa katika bidhaa zilizokamatwa, pamoja na maafisa wa jeshi la polisi.

Wakaguzi wa FCC pia waliendesha kaguzi katika maduka manne ya mauzo ya jumla na reja reja ya betri za Tiger Head mnano tarehe 9 Aprili, 2014. Maduka hayo ni pamoja na Neema Investment, Duka la Nancy, Duka la Mtei, na duka la Setway pamoja na maghala yanliyoshukiwa kuhusiana na maduka hayo katika maeneo ya Unga Limited, Moromboo na Mbauda. Maduka na ghala hizo hayakukutwa na bidhaa bandia za Tiger Head zilizohofiwa kuhodhiwa humo.

Hatua hiyo ni mwendelezo wa juhudi za Tume zilizofanywa na tume za kufanya kaguzi za kawaida pamoja na kaguzi nyingine 7 za kushitukiza katika maduka na bohari zinazomilikiwa na watu binafsi, ambazo zinahofiwa kuhodhi bidhaa bandia, baina ya Julai 1, 2013 na Aprili 11, 2014 katika mikoa ya Mwanza na Dar es Salaam. Operesheni hizo ziliwezesha kukamatwa kwa bidhaa bandia ikiwa ni pamoja na makontena 240 yaliyokuwa na shehena za bidhaa bandia zenye thamani ya zaidi ya Sh. Milioni 200/- na wafanyabiashara wapatao a71 kuadhibiwa kwa kukiuka Sheria ya Alama za Bidhaa. Baadhi ya bidhaa zilizokamatwa katika operesheni hizo za awali ni pamoja na Simu bandia za Samsung, NOKIA and TECNO zaidi ya 400, Mabomba 738 ya maji ya IPS, Vifaa vya michezo 1,248 vya Klabu ya Mpira ya Simba, Vyandarua za kuzuia mbu, Vifaa 1,166 vya umeme vya Phillips, Pakiti 12,053 za nyembe bandia za Gillette na Swichi za Umeme aina ya MEM zipatazo 19.

Operesheni za kaguzi za kushitukiza katika maeneo yote yanayohofiwa kuhodhi bidhaa bandia ni zoezi endelevu na linaendeshwa kote nchini likilenga kuwakamata na kuwafikisha katika mkono wa sheria wahalifu wote wanaojishughulisha na biashara ya bidhaa bandia. Kusjishughulisha na biashara ya bidhaa bandia kunawaathiri wamiliki hataza na miliki bunifu, kuaathiri uchumi na kunakiuka haki za walaji nchini.
Imetolewa na Mkaguzi Mkuu wa Sheria ya Alama za Bidhaa

Aprili 22, 2014

Press Release on Seizure of Counterfeit Products in Mwanza and Arusha

FCC Seizes 30m/- Counterfeit Goods
in Mwanza and Arusha Cities

Fair Competition Commission inspectors, acting with powers under the Merchandise Marks Act (1963) as amended, and MMA Regulations 2012, have between 8th and 12th April, 2014 carried out dawn raid operations in Arusha and Mwanza Cities netting counterfeit goods worth TShs. 30m/-.

The products seized in the Mwanza raid are as itemized hereunder:
Mr Shaban Hussein Kombe
(S.K Mobile Phone Shop)
Tecno mobile phones (216pcs)  and batteries (2,556) found
Street, Msikiti Wa Ijumaa
Yassin Ibrahim Nyaludibha Shop

Baygon (12pcs) found
Liberty Street
Mama Mwijage Mini Super Market
Baygon (1pc) and kiwi (1pc) found
Liberty Street
Patric Shop
Baygon bound
Liberty Street
Sammiyya Najib Zaharo Mini Super Market
Baygon (1pc) found
Liberty Street

The operation in Mwanza inloved seizure of 494 pieces of banned cosmetics. The consignment of seized banned cosmetics was handed over to Tanzania Food and Drugs Authority Zonal Office for further legal actions in line with the laws governing offences in that line. The seized banned cosmetics included Carolight (190pcs), Betasol Lotion and carl cream (188), Diproson Cream (20 pcs) Diproson lition (12 pcs), Cocoderm (18 pcs) and Prolight (18 pcs). All banned cosmetics were seized in a shop owned by one Yassin Ibrahim Nyaludibha.

Other shops that were also searched but no counterfeits were found in them include Iman Shop, Lake Printing Works Ltd., Sahara Shop, George Mwendeshe Lukoninga, Joyce Kwandu Kichiba, Emmanuel Joseph Sisha, Abogast Marko Mhalagani, Aron Kisasa Shop and Dunia Mashala Ng’wanaomu.

Similarly, The operation in Arusha netted a number of counterfeit products as indicated hereunder:

Highland Hardware
Lorenzetti heater 1pc
Sokoine street
 Baltazari Mallya
Lorenzetti heater 3pcs
Sokoine street
 CBK trading

Lorenzetti heater  40pcs
Near Sheikh Amri Abeid Stadium
Angelika Quality store
Lorenzetti heater 2pcs
Levolusi street
Maria Inocent Massawe
Nivea lotion 1pc

Baraka Mangaro Nkya
Nivea lotion 11pcs
Annex street
Shamika Enterprises
Nivea lotion 28pcs
Kaloleni street
Super cosmetics
Nivea lotion 56 pcs

Janet cosmetics
Nivea lotion 34 pcs

Felix O Kimario
Nivea lip shine 5 pcs
Levolosi street
Raymond Cosmetics
Nivea lotion 28pcs
Zaramo street

Almost all offenders have complied with the Merchandise Marks Act offence compoundment procedure and have paid requisite fines, while their goods await proper destruction procedures.

One MMA offender, M/S Shamika Enterprises, indicated her intention to pursue ordinary court route to challenge the penalisation process and her case has been transferred to appropriate enforcement channel under the Criminal Procedure Act.

All operations were conducted in collaboration with representatives of brand owners  of the seized counterfeits and the police officers.

The FCC team of inspectors, also conducted dawn raids in four points of wholesale and retail sales suspected to stock counterfeited Tiger Head Batteries on 9th April, 2014. The points are Neema Investment, Nancy shop, Mtei shop, and Setway shop as well as their interlinked godowns located in Unga Limited, Moromboo and Mbauda areas. No stocks of counterfeited Tiger Head Batteries were found in them.

The efforts complements Commission’s regular inspections at entry points and 7 other dawn raid operations conducted in privately owned shops and warehouses suspected to stock counterfeit goods in Dar es Salaam and Mwanza Regions between 1st July 2013 and 11th April, 2014. The said operations led to seizure of various counterfeit goods, including 240 containers with assorted counterfeit goods valued at more than TShs 200m/- and penalisation of 171 traders for contravening the provisions of the Merchandise Marks Act (1963), as amended. Some of the counterfeit goods seized during the said 7 dawn raid operations include counterfeited Samsung, NOKIA and TECNO mobile phones totaling at more than 400 pieces, IPS pipes (738 pieces), 1,248 pieces of countefeit Simba Sports Club Sports gears, Mosquito nets, 1,166 pieces of various Phillips electrical appliances, 12,053 cards of counterfeited Gillette shaving blades, 19 MEM Main Switches.

The Dawn Raid operations covering all premises suspected to stock counterfeit goods is an on going countrywide operation aimed at apprehending and bringing to justice all offenders, whose acts infringe the intellectual property rights of brand and IP holders, the economy and consumer rights.
Issued by the Chief Inspector of the Merchandise Marks Act

22nd April, 2014