Monday 21 August 2017

FCC Competition Law and Policy Peer Review Findings Validated

Dar es Salaam, 29th May, 2017. The Fair Competition Commission had on 29th May, 2017, administered a validation event for the findings of UNCTAD Peer Review expert with regard to implementation of Competition Law and Policy to the Tanzanian stakeholders.
United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) carries out voluntary peer review on competition policy and law to UN member countries implementing the Competition Law and Policy every year, provided that the implementation cycle for a particular country has reached five years.
The findings for the 2017 Tanzania’s peer review on competition law and policy were collected by the UNCTAD review expert, Mr.  Chilufya Sampa, who also is the Director General of the Zambian Competition and Consumer Protection Commission (ZCCPC).
A host of stakeholders participated in the event, including Multisector Regulatory Institutions (EWURA, SUMATRA, TCAA and TCRA) as well as the Consumer Consultative Councils of the same regulatory authorities and Resident Law Firms. Present were also Government Institutions’ and Ministerial representatives and journalists.

The validation event was followed by a short capacity building training to enforcement agencies (FCC and Regulatory institutions’ staff) on market conduct investigations and enforcements, particularly with regard to mergers, acquisitions and cartels.

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