Tuesday 29 August 2017

Dr. John Kedi Mduma Appointed New Acting DG of FCC

Prof. Mkenda Introduces Dr. John Mduma as the Acting Director General of FCC

Urges Staff to Continue Working Diligently and Observe Integrity

Dar es Salaam, 29th August, 2017. The Permanent Secretary at the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Investments (Responsible for Trade)), Prof. Prof. Adolph Mkenda, has urged FCC staff to continue working more diligently and observe a high level of integrity as he spoke to them at their office premises located in the GEPF House along Bagamoyo Road, on 28th August, 2017. Prof. Mkenda gave such utterance as he was introducing to FCC staff the newly appointed Acting Director General of FCC, Dr. John Kedi Mduma, a Senior Lecturer and Economist from the University of Dar es Salaam who will take over duties and responsibilities from Dr. Frederick Shadrack Ringo (Advocate), whose tenure as the institution’s Director General ended on 1st August, 2017.

Speaking at the meeting, Prof. Mkenda pointed out that he is aware of the immense importance and challenging duties and responsibilities the Commission faces as a Market Support Institution and called on staff to observe professionalism and integrity in order to safeguard and project a correct institution’s reputations and corporate image which has been carried well so far by the diligent performance of the Commission in discharging its duties. He added that the same would positively contribute to the Government’s vision of having in place an industrialised economy in line with the requirements of the vision 2025, which seek to have the country move to a middle income economy.

Prof. said that the Government would never tolerate unequal playing field scenario created by unscrupulous traders importing and selling into the country counterfeit goods. He said such acts should be severely punished as they demoralise the efforts of genuine traders and scare away investors from establishing industries in the country. He said that under unequal playing field of that nature, investors shy away to set up industries in Tanzania as they would not be able to compete with cheap counterfeits, which also happen to be below the quality.

“The Government fully supports you, we shall keep on protecting you, Go and work even more diligently, do not fear or favour anybody and don’t be disheartened. Stand by the law all the time. However, You are now required to apply even more professionalism and exercise a high level of integrity to preserve the institutional image”, stressed Prof. Mkenda. He called on all management and staff to accord the newly appointed Acting Director general, Dr. John Mduma, requisite cooperation and assistance with a view to realising higher institutional milestones in enforcing the legal mandate entrusted to the Commission.

Prof. Mkenda commended the FCC staff for the good job they are doing in regulating the market with high integrity amid scarce human, fiscal and operational resources and promised to that the Government is aware and will work towards uplifting their welfare as the condition may permit.

“However, as the workload and the welfare are set to increase, and that the relevance of your responsibility as a market support institution is going to be given a higher impetus, we shall always monitor your performance to ensure that none of you will cause the Government’s efforts to fail. Therefore, while continuing to do the good job, guard yourselves against tarnishing the good image of your institution,” Prof. Mkenda Stressed.

“The Government will not interfere with your “Quasi-Judicial Powers” and decisions emanating from the same. We will however ask for clarifications in order to know the truth, as and when needs arise. Please do bear with us on that. Your job is difficult and as such, unfaithful traders will seek to level false accusations against you in order to protect their interests. We may be compelled to ask for clarifications from time to time. The best shied against such people will be to observe a high level of integrity and working even more diligently and protect the institutional corporate image zealously as one protects his/her eyeball,” urged Prof. Mkenda. He also pointed out that the Government would also not tolerate monopolistic tendencies, which tend to suppress consumer choice and kill competition in the market. . He urged Commission staff to continue taking requisite measures to protect the market against such tendencies but should work in a more facilitative manner. He specifically pointed out that the Commission should provide pre-shipment advisory services to businessmen to help them avoid falling prey to international counterfeit rings every now and then.

Prior to introducing Dr. Mduma to FCC staff, Prof. Mkenda commended Dr. Frederick Shadrack Ringo for leading the institution successfully and professionally in his four years tenure. He bid him farewell and every success after the end of his tenure.

In the same vein, Dk. Frederick Ringo expressed his sincere appreciation to the Government and staff of FCC for extending to him the much needed cooperation and assistance which moved the institution a step higher compared to where it was during his entrance. He also pointed out that FCC has a shortage of more than 50 staff and would work even better if it would have its own office premises and warehouses for storing seized counterfeit goods awaiting destruction upon completion of legal proceedings.

Speaking after being introduced to FCC Staff, Dr. John Mduma expressed his appreciation for the warm welcome and promised to point out his priorities while speaking to staff after official assumption of the duties in a short while to come.

Dr. John Kedi Mduma, an Economist and a Senior Lecturer at the University of Dar es Salaam, was appointed by the Minister of Industry, Trade and investments, Hon. Charles Mwijage (MP) to head the FCC during the transition period from 28th August, 2017 while efforts to have in place a substantive CEO are being worked out in line with the Fair Competition Act No. 8 of 2003.

Issued by the Communications and Public Relations Unit, Fair Competition Commission, Dar es Salaam.

For additional information please consult Frank S. Mdimi. Senior Communications and Public Relations Officer, Fair Competition Commission, Calls/Whatsapp/SMS through Mobile No. +255784762437, E-mail fmdimi@competition.or.tz

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