Thursday 31 August 2017

Picha za Baadhi ya BIdhaa Bandia zilizokamatwa

 Kijiko (Fork Lift) chenye alama ya kughushi ya HELI.

  Vijiko (Fork Lifts) zenye alama ya kughushi ya HELI zikiondoshwa eneo zilipokamatwa.

Sampuli za viatu vilivyokamatwa kwa kughushi nembo zisizo mali yao.
Spika zilizokamatwa kwa kughushi nembo.
 Moja ya Spika zilizokamatwa kwa kughushi nembo.

Sampuli ya viatu vilivyokamatwa kwa kughushi nembo isiyo mali yao.

Wakaguzi wa Tume wakipata mafunzo ya namna ya kutambua kofia ngumu za usalama kwa waendesha pikipiki zilizoghushiwa alama ya FEKON.
 Sehemu ya shehena ya kofia ngumu za usalama kwa waendesha pikipiki aina ya FEKON zilizokamatwa.

  Sehemu ya shehena ya viatu bandiavilivyokamatwa.

  Sehemu ya shehena ya viatu bandiavilivyokamatwa.

FCC Seize Counterfeit Goods Worth TZS 441,355,530/-


FCC Seize Counterfeit Goods Worth
TZS 441,355,530/-

DAR ES SALAAM, 30th August, 2017. The Fair Competition Commission (FCC), acting pursuant to the Merchandise Marks Act, No. 8 of 2003, has conducted a Search and Seizure operation in Dar es Salaam and Mtwara between January and July, 2017 and seized various counterfeit goods worth TZS 441,355,530/- the goods include

1.   59 pieces of counterfeit FIDEK Musical Speakers valued at TZS 53,100,000/-,
2.   30 pieces of counterfeit crown musical speakers valued at TZS 15,000,000/-
3.   1,246 pieces of counterfeit FEKON Motorcycle helmets valued at TZS
4.   18,640,000/=
5.   Eight (8) counterfeit SANLG Motorcycles and seven (7) counterfeit motorcycle engines valued at TZS 19,400,000/-
6.   Three units of Counterfeit HELI FORK LIFTS valued at TZS 167,607,765/-
7.   5889 pairs of counterfeit PUMA Footwear (shoes) valued at TZS 235,560,000

All search and seizure operations were prompted by market surveillance and investigation reports made by FCC.

Businessmen whose goods were seized during the said operations are at various stages of complying with the penalties issued to them in line with the Merchandise Marks Act (963), as amended and the MMA Regulations.

The FCC warns wholesale and retail sale businessmen and women to desist from engaging in counterfeit goods as the same is a criminal offence and is punishable by fines and jail terms.

Counterfeit goods also create uneven playing field and scares away investors from setting up production plants in the country.

Consumers are equally advised to check products for wholesomeness before committing their money in buying them. They are also advised to check for product information including manufacturer’s addresses ,country of origin, user manuals and warranty certificates and to demand a legitimate receipt for all their purchases. They have an obligation of reporting any conduct that infringe their rights at the market to relevant authorities, including the FCC.

FCC offices are located on the second floor of the GEPF House, Regent Estate, Bagamoyo Road. Aggrieved consumers can also call +255 22 2926128/29/30.

Search and Seizure operations as well as entry point inspections for counterfeit goods are continuous undertakings and businesses should voluntarily comply with the law.

For Further clarifications please consult Mr. Frank S. Mdimi, Senior Communications and Public Relations Officer, Fair Competition Commission, Mobile +255-784762437, E-mail:

FCC Yakamata Bidhaa Bandia za Thamani ya TZS 441,355,530/-


FCC Yakamata Bidhaa Bandia za Thamani ya 
TZS 441,355,530/-

DAR ES SALAAM, Agosti 30, 2017. Tume ya Ushindani, ikifanya kazi kwa mujibu wa Sheria ya Alama za Bidhaa ya mwaka 1963, iliyorekebishwa, imefanya kaguzi za kushitukiza katika maeneo mbalimbali ya Jiji la Dar es Salaam na Manispaa ya Mtwara na kukamata bidhaa bandia zenye thamani ya TZS 441,355,530/- kati ya Januari na Julai, 2017. Bidhaa zilizokamatwa ni pamoja na:

1.   Spika 59 za muziki zilizokuwa na nembo ya kughushi ya FIDEK, zenye thamani ya TZS TZS 53,100,000/-,
2.   Spika 30 za muziki zilizokuwa na nembo ya kughushi ya Crown, zenye thamani ya TZS 15,000,000/-,
3.   Kofia ngumu za waendesha pikipiki 1,246 zilizokuwa na nembo ya kughushi ya FEKON zinazokadiriwa kuwa na thaman ya TZS 18,640,000/=
4.   Pikipiki nane (8) zilizokuwa na nembo ya kughushi ya SANLG pamoja na injini 7 za pikipiki, vyote vikiwa na thamani ya TZS 19,400,000/-
5.   Vijiko vitatu vya kubebea mizigo vilivyokuwa na nembo ya kughushi ya HELI na vyenye thamani ya TZS 167,607,765/-
6.   Jozi 5,889 za viatu zilizokuwa na nembo ya kughushi ya PUMA, zenye thamani ya TZS 235,560,000/-.

Mazoezi yote ya kaguzi za kushitukiza yaliyotokana na taarifa za ukaguzi wa masoko na uchunguzi wa bidhaa bandia katka soko.

Wafanyabiashara waliokamatwa na bidhaa hizo bandia wapo katika hatua mbalimbali za kukamilisha matakwa ya sheria kuhusiana na adhabu walizopewa baada ya kukutwa na bidhaa hizo, kama ilivyoainishw akatika Sheria ya Alama za Bidhaa (183), iliyorekebishwa pamoja na kanuni zake.

FCC inawaasa wauzaji jumla na rejareja wa bidhaa zote kujiepusha na biashara ya bidhaa bandia kwa kuwa kufanya hivyo ni kosa la jinai linaoadhibiwa kwa faini na vifungo hela.

BIashara ya bidhaa bandia husababisha ushindani usio haki sokoni kwa na unawakimbiza na kuwaogopesa wawekezaji wa viwanda kuanzisha shughuli zao hapa nchini.

Walaji pia wanaaswa kukagua bidhaa wanazozinunua sokoni kabla ya kuzilipia. Wanatakiwa kugaua ukamilifu wa bidhaa, maelezo ya bidhaa  ikiwa ni pamoja na anuani ya mtengenezaji, nchi ya uasili, maelezo ya matumizi, vyeti vya uthibitiho wa ubora wa bidhaa kutoka kwa mtengenezaji. Aidha, walaji wana wajibu wa kudai risiti stahiki kw akila manunuzi waliyoyafanya. Pia wanatakiwa kutoa taarifa za matukio ya ukiukwaji wa haki na maslahi yao katika Tume na vyombo vingine.

Ofisi za FCC zipo Ghorofa ya pili ya jengo la GEPF, Barabara ya Bagamoyo, simu namba +255 22 2926128/29/30.

Kaguzi za kushitukiza katika maeneo binafsi ya kibiashara pamoja na kaguzi za kila siku katika maeneo ambayo ni maingilio ya bidhaa (bandarini na bandari kavu) ni mazoezi endelevu, Wafanyabiashara wote wanatakiwa kutii matakwa ya sheria ya alama za bidhaa bila shuruti.

Kwa maelezo zaidi wasiliana na Frank S. Mdimi, Afisa Mwandamizi, Mawasiliano na Mahusiano ya Umma, Tume ya Ushindani, Simu ya Kiganjani +255-784762437, Barua Pepe:

Tuesday 29 August 2017

Dr. John Kedi Mduma Appointed New Acting DG of FCC

Prof. Mkenda Introduces Dr. John Mduma as the Acting Director General of FCC

Urges Staff to Continue Working Diligently and Observe Integrity

Dar es Salaam, 29th August, 2017. The Permanent Secretary at the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Investments (Responsible for Trade)), Prof. Prof. Adolph Mkenda, has urged FCC staff to continue working more diligently and observe a high level of integrity as he spoke to them at their office premises located in the GEPF House along Bagamoyo Road, on 28th August, 2017. Prof. Mkenda gave such utterance as he was introducing to FCC staff the newly appointed Acting Director General of FCC, Dr. John Kedi Mduma, a Senior Lecturer and Economist from the University of Dar es Salaam who will take over duties and responsibilities from Dr. Frederick Shadrack Ringo (Advocate), whose tenure as the institution’s Director General ended on 1st August, 2017.

Speaking at the meeting, Prof. Mkenda pointed out that he is aware of the immense importance and challenging duties and responsibilities the Commission faces as a Market Support Institution and called on staff to observe professionalism and integrity in order to safeguard and project a correct institution’s reputations and corporate image which has been carried well so far by the diligent performance of the Commission in discharging its duties. He added that the same would positively contribute to the Government’s vision of having in place an industrialised economy in line with the requirements of the vision 2025, which seek to have the country move to a middle income economy.

Prof. said that the Government would never tolerate unequal playing field scenario created by unscrupulous traders importing and selling into the country counterfeit goods. He said such acts should be severely punished as they demoralise the efforts of genuine traders and scare away investors from establishing industries in the country. He said that under unequal playing field of that nature, investors shy away to set up industries in Tanzania as they would not be able to compete with cheap counterfeits, which also happen to be below the quality.

“The Government fully supports you, we shall keep on protecting you, Go and work even more diligently, do not fear or favour anybody and don’t be disheartened. Stand by the law all the time. However, You are now required to apply even more professionalism and exercise a high level of integrity to preserve the institutional image”, stressed Prof. Mkenda. He called on all management and staff to accord the newly appointed Acting Director general, Dr. John Mduma, requisite cooperation and assistance with a view to realising higher institutional milestones in enforcing the legal mandate entrusted to the Commission.

Prof. Mkenda commended the FCC staff for the good job they are doing in regulating the market with high integrity amid scarce human, fiscal and operational resources and promised to that the Government is aware and will work towards uplifting their welfare as the condition may permit.

“However, as the workload and the welfare are set to increase, and that the relevance of your responsibility as a market support institution is going to be given a higher impetus, we shall always monitor your performance to ensure that none of you will cause the Government’s efforts to fail. Therefore, while continuing to do the good job, guard yourselves against tarnishing the good image of your institution,” Prof. Mkenda Stressed.

“The Government will not interfere with your “Quasi-Judicial Powers” and decisions emanating from the same. We will however ask for clarifications in order to know the truth, as and when needs arise. Please do bear with us on that. Your job is difficult and as such, unfaithful traders will seek to level false accusations against you in order to protect their interests. We may be compelled to ask for clarifications from time to time. The best shied against such people will be to observe a high level of integrity and working even more diligently and protect the institutional corporate image zealously as one protects his/her eyeball,” urged Prof. Mkenda. He also pointed out that the Government would also not tolerate monopolistic tendencies, which tend to suppress consumer choice and kill competition in the market. . He urged Commission staff to continue taking requisite measures to protect the market against such tendencies but should work in a more facilitative manner. He specifically pointed out that the Commission should provide pre-shipment advisory services to businessmen to help them avoid falling prey to international counterfeit rings every now and then.

Prior to introducing Dr. Mduma to FCC staff, Prof. Mkenda commended Dr. Frederick Shadrack Ringo for leading the institution successfully and professionally in his four years tenure. He bid him farewell and every success after the end of his tenure.

In the same vein, Dk. Frederick Ringo expressed his sincere appreciation to the Government and staff of FCC for extending to him the much needed cooperation and assistance which moved the institution a step higher compared to where it was during his entrance. He also pointed out that FCC has a shortage of more than 50 staff and would work even better if it would have its own office premises and warehouses for storing seized counterfeit goods awaiting destruction upon completion of legal proceedings.

Speaking after being introduced to FCC Staff, Dr. John Mduma expressed his appreciation for the warm welcome and promised to point out his priorities while speaking to staff after official assumption of the duties in a short while to come.

Dr. John Kedi Mduma, an Economist and a Senior Lecturer at the University of Dar es Salaam, was appointed by the Minister of Industry, Trade and investments, Hon. Charles Mwijage (MP) to head the FCC during the transition period from 28th August, 2017 while efforts to have in place a substantive CEO are being worked out in line with the Fair Competition Act No. 8 of 2003.

Issued by the Communications and Public Relations Unit, Fair Competition Commission, Dar es Salaam.

For additional information please consult Frank S. Mdimi. Senior Communications and Public Relations Officer, Fair Competition Commission, Calls/Whatsapp/SMS through Mobile No. +255784762437, E-mail

FCC Zapata Kaimu Mkurugenzi Mkuu Mpya, Dk. John Kedi Mduma

Prof. Mkenda Amtambulisha Kaimu Mkurugenzi Mkuu Mpya, Dk. John Mduma Kwa Wafanyakazi wa FCC
Awataka Wafanyakazi Kuendelea Kufanya Kazi Nzuri kwa Weledi na Uadilifu Zaidi

Dar es Salaam, Agosti 29, 2017. Katibu Mkuu wa Wizara ya Viwanda, Biashara na Uwekezaji  (Biashara), Prof. Adolph Mkenda, amemtambulisha Kaimu Mkurugenzi Mkuu Mpya wa Tume ya Ushindani (FCC), Dk. John Kedi Mduma, katika Mkutano Maalum na Menejimenti na wafanyakazi hao uliofanyika mchana katika ukumbi wa Mikutano wa FCC, Jengo la GEPF House, Agosti, 28, 2017.

Akizungumza katika kikao cha utambulisho huo, Prof. Mkenda alisema kuwa anafahamu kuwa kazi ya Tume ni ngumu na muhimu sana kwa uchumi wa taifa na hivyo akawataka wafanyakazi kuendelea kufanya kazi nzuri wanayoifanya kwa weledi na kwa uadilifu zaidi ili kutunza heshima ya Serikali na Taasisi na kuhakikisha kuwa azma ya Serikali ya Kuwa na Uchumi wa Viwanda inafanikiwa.

Alisema kuwa Serikali haitakubali kuona kuwa wafanyabiashara wasio waaminifu wanaingiza na kuuza bidhaa bandia bila kuchukuliwa hatua stahiki kwa kuwa bidhaa hizo ambazo mara nyingi huwa chini ya kiwango na huuzwa kwa bei chee, husababisha wazalishaji wa bidhaa halisi na zinazokidhi viwango kusita kufungua viwanda hapa nchini kwa kuwa hawataweza kushindana na bidhaa bandia zinazoharibu sökö.

“Serikali ipo pamoja nanyi, tutawalinda na kuwatetea, chapeni kazi, misogope na msikate tamaa na msimamie kwenye sheria. Isipokuwa sasa mnatakiwa kufanya kazi zenu kwa uadilifu na weledi zaidi ili taswira nzuri ya taasisi iendelee kulindwa”, alisisitiza Prof. Mkenda. Aliwataka wafanyakazi kumpa ushirikiano mkubwa Kaimu Mkurugenzi MkuuDk. John Mduma, katika kuhakikisha kuwa taasisi inapiga hatua zaidi katika kutekeleza majukumu yake kwa mujibu wa sheria.

Prof. Mkenda aliwapongeza wafanyakazi wa FCC kwa kufanya kazi nzuri kwa weledi na uadilifu katika mazingira magumu ya uhaba wa rasilimali na vitendea kazi na kuelezea kuwa Serikali itaendelea kuwaunga mkono na kuboresha maslahi yao kadiri hali itakavyoruhusu.

“Madhali mnaongeza uchapaji kazi na maslahi yanakwenda kuwa mazuri zaidi na madhali kazi yenu inakwenda kuwa muhimu kuliko wakati wote, mtaangaliwa zaidi kuliko wakati wowote ili kubaini nani anakwamisha juhudi za Serikali. Kwa hiyo wakati mnafanya kazi nzuri, asitokee mmoja kati yenu atakayeharibu sifa yenu nzuri,” alisisitiza Prof. Mkenda.

“Serikali haitawaingilia katika maamuzi yenu ya kimahakama bali patakapokuwa na maswali tutawauliza na msichoke kutujibu ili tuweze kuelewa ukweli ulivyo. Kazi yenu ni ngumu na inasababisha mpigwe majungu na kusingiziwa mambo mbali mbali, hivyo tunalazimika kuuliza. Muilinde taswira ya taasisi yenu kwa kufanya kazi kwa bidii, uadilifu na weledi kama mnavyolinda mboni ya jicho,” aliasa Prof. Mkenda na kuongeza kuwa kamwe Serikali haitavumilia kampuni zinazotaka kuimairisha ukiritimba (Monopoly) katika soko kwa kuwa zinawakandamiza walaji wa bidhaa na huduma na kuua ushindani katika soko na hivyo akawataka watendaji wa Tume kuendelea kuchukua hatua kwa mujibu wa sheria lakini waepuke pia kutumia lugha za kibabe na kuwaasa wawasaidie wafanyabiashara (hususan kuhus suala la kuingiza bidhaa bandia) kwa lugha wezeshi ili wasitumbukie tena kwenye hatari ya kuagiza bidhaa bandia na kukamatwa mara kwa mara.

Kabla ya kumtambulisha Dk. Mduma, Prof. Mkenda alimpongeza Dk. Frederick Shadrack Ringo kwa kuiendesha Taasisi hiyo kwa weledi kwa kipindi cha muhula wake wa miaka minne na kumtakia kila la kheri baada ya kuhitimisha muhula wa uongozi wake FCC.

Aidha, Dk. Frederick Ringo aliezea shukrani zake kwa imani ambayo Serikali ilimpa katika kuiongoza Tume ya Ushindani pamoja na ushirikiano alioupata kutoka kwa wafanyakazi wa Tume na viongozi wa Serikali. Alisema kutoka na na ushirikiano huo  FCC imeweza kupiga hatua zaidi kuliko alivyoikuta. Aidha, alimweleza Katibu Mkuu kuwa kuwa kwa sasa taasisi ina upungufu wa wafanyakazi zaidi ya 50 na inahitaji kuwa na ofisi ya kudumu pamoja na ghala za kuhifadhi bidhaa bandia zinazosubiri kukamilika kwa hatua za kisheria kabla ya kuteketezwa.

Akizungumza baada ya kutambulishwa kwa wafanyakazi, Dk. John Mduma alielezea kufurahishwa kwake na mapokezi mazuri aliyoyapata lakini akabainisha kuwa ataelezea viapumbele vyake wakati atakapozungumza na wafanyakazi baada ya kukabidhiwa rasmi ofisi mapema hivi karibuni.

Dk. John Kedi Mduma, ambaye ni Mchumi na Mhadhiri wa Chuo Kikuu cha Dar es Salaam, ameteuliwa na Waziri wa Viwanda na Biashara, Mhe. Charles Mwijage (MB) kushika wadhifa huo kuanzia tarehe 28 Agosti, 2017 baada ya muhula wa aliyekuwa Mkurugenzi Mkuu wa Taasisi hiyo, Dk. Frederick Shadrack Ringo (Wakili) kuisha Agosti 1, 2017. Prof. Mkenda alisema kuwa Dr. Mduma ameteuliwa kushika wadhifa huo kwa kipindi cha mpito wakati ambapo taratibu za uteuzi wa Mkurugenzi Mkuu mpya zikiendelea kukamilishwa kwa mujibu wa Sheria ya Ushindani Na. 8 ya mwaka 2003.

Imetolewa na Kitengo cha Mawasilaino na Mahusiano ya Umma, Tume ya Ushindani, Dar es Salaam.

Kwa Maelezo zaidi wasiliana na Frank S. Mdimi. Afisa Mwandamizi, Mawasiliano na Mahusiano ya Umma, Tume ya Ushindani, Simu ya Mkononi +255784762437, Barua Pepe

Monday 21 August 2017

FCC Competition Law and Policy Peer Review Findings Validated

Dar es Salaam, 29th May, 2017. The Fair Competition Commission had on 29th May, 2017, administered a validation event for the findings of UNCTAD Peer Review expert with regard to implementation of Competition Law and Policy to the Tanzanian stakeholders.
United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) carries out voluntary peer review on competition policy and law to UN member countries implementing the Competition Law and Policy every year, provided that the implementation cycle for a particular country has reached five years.
The findings for the 2017 Tanzania’s peer review on competition law and policy were collected by the UNCTAD review expert, Mr.  Chilufya Sampa, who also is the Director General of the Zambian Competition and Consumer Protection Commission (ZCCPC).
A host of stakeholders participated in the event, including Multisector Regulatory Institutions (EWURA, SUMATRA, TCAA and TCRA) as well as the Consumer Consultative Councils of the same regulatory authorities and Resident Law Firms. Present were also Government Institutions’ and Ministerial representatives and journalists.

The validation event was followed by a short capacity building training to enforcement agencies (FCC and Regulatory institutions’ staff) on market conduct investigations and enforcements, particularly with regard to mergers, acquisitions and cartels.