Saturday 7 June 2014

FCC Administer Competition Seminar to Law Students at the University of Bagamoyo

The Director of Mergers, Researh and Advocacy together with The Head of Advocacy Department Mr. Shadrack Nkelebe and the Senior Advocacy Officer, Khadija Ngasongwa-Sijaona, today administered a powerful lecture on Competition Economics and Competition Law as tools for regulating the performance of a Market economy to Undergraduate and Post-Graduate Students of the University of Bagamoyo, at the University Premises in Kawe, Dar es Salaam.

Earlier, the Dean of Faculty of Law at the University of Bagamoyo, also a member of the Constitutional Assembly, Dr. Natujwa Mvungu, welcomed the resource persons from FCC and introduced Seminar participants from the University.

During the Seminar, Mr. Allan Mlulla underscored the economic side of competition law spotting out that the law prohibits three main types of offenses namely Anti-Competitive Agreements, Misuse or abuse of dominant position (market power) and Anti-Competitive Mergers and Acquisitions.

On the other hand, Mr. Shadrack Nkelebe zeroed in on the pure legal aspect of the Competition law, the Fair Competition Act (No.8 of 2003). he spotted a number of sections and parts relating to violations of competition principles as well as associated penalties for violations of the law.

Students and the University administration invariably expressed their gratitude for the FCC's effort to reach out to them and were eager to get more types of similar training opportunities particularly on the issues relating to Consumer Protection and anti-counterfiting.

At least thirty students attended the seminar and about five FCC officials including the Senior Advocacy Officer, Ms. Khadija Ngasongwa Sijaona and the Senior Communications and Public Relations Officer, Mr. Frank Mdimi.

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