Sunday 4 May 2014

FCC Online Newsletter October-December, 2013 (Split Version)

FCC Yaridhia Maombi ya Kampuni Kuungana


FCC Yaridhia Maombi Matatu ya Miungano ya Kampuni

Kwa mujibu wa kanuni Namba 42(13) ya Kanuni za Utendaji za Tume ya Ushindani za mwaka 2013, Tume ya ushindani imeridhia bila masharti, maombi matatu ya miungano ya kampuni katika kikao chake cha 55 cha mashauri ya ushindani kilichofanyika Aprili 17, 2014. Maombi hayo yaliwasilishwa katika ofisi za Tume kati ya Desemba 20 ,2013 na Machi 28, 2014 na kampuni zilizokuwa zikikusudia kutekeleza makubaliano ya miungano hiyo.

Miungano iliyoridhiwa na Tume ni kama ifuatavyo:

Kampuni Inayonunua
Kampuni Iliyolengwa Kuhusishwa
AVIS Southern Africa
Tanzuk Limited
Vodacom Group Limited
Cavalry Holdings Limited
Dutch Oak Tree Foundation
Tanga Dairies Cooperative Union na Tanga Fresh Limited

Muungano baina ya kampuni za AVIS Southern Africa na Tanzuk Limited unahusisha biashara za ukodishaji wa magari pamoja na huduma zinazoambatana nazo. Muungano baina ya kampuni za Vodacom Group Limited na Cavalry Holdings Limited unahusiana na huduma za mawasiliano ya simu, wakati muungano baina ya kampuni za Dutch Oak Tree Foundation na Tanga Dairies Cooperative Union and Tanga Fresh Limited unahusisha sekta ya biashara ya maziwa.

Katika kuhakikisha kuwa sheria inafuatwa, kampuni ya Dutch Oak Tree Foundation iliwasilisha katika Tume taarifa ya kuungana na Tanga Dairies Cooperative Union na Tanga Fresh Limited tarehe 20 Decemba, 2013. Taarifa ya muungano baina ya kampuni za AVIS Southern Africa na Tanzuk Limited ilitolewa katika Tume tarehe 21 Machi, 2014. Muungano baina ya Vodacom Group Limited na Cavalry Holdings Limited ulitolewa taarifa katika Tume tarehe 28, Machi, 2014. Taarifa za miungano yote zilitolewa ka mujibu wa kipengele cha 11(2) cha Sheria ya Ushindani (Na. 8 ya mwaka 2003) na Kanuni ya 33(1) ya Kanuni za Utendaji za tume za mwaka 2013.

Tume iliridhia miungano hiyo ya kampuni baada ya kukamilisha tathmini ya maombi husika kuanzia hatua ya awali ya utoaji wa taarifa na kuridhika kuwa miungano hiyo, endapo itaruhusiwa kuendelea, haitaathiri ushindani kwa mujibu wa kipengele cha 11(1) cha Sheria ya Uhsindani (FCA) na kanuni za utendaji za Tume za mwaka 2013. Baada ya kuzingatia taarifa ya maombi ya kuungana kwa kampuni husika kwa mujibu wa Sheria, Tume iliridhika kuwa miungano hiyo haijakinzana na Sheria ya Ushindani (Na. 8 ya mwaka 2003).

Kati ya Julai 1, 2013 na Machi 28, 2014, FCC iliridhia jumla ya maombi ishirini na moja (21) ya miungano ya kampuni iliyotolewa taarifa na kuwasilishwa kwa tathmini katika Tume, yakiwemo maombi ya miungano mitatu iliyoainishwa hapo juu. Maombi mengine ya miungano yaliyoridhiwa na Tume ni pamoja na: InReturn East Africa Fund I.C.V na Dar es Salaam Corridor Group Limited; SCPE, CSSAF & PRIF Afrivest naETC Group (Mauritius) Limited; Apollo Acquisition Corp na Cooper Tire & Rubber Company; Prime Bank Ltd, First Merchant Bank na Premier Capital Mauritius Ltd and International Commercial Bank; HTT Infraco Ltd na Vodacom Tanzania Limited; TransUnion Africa Holdings Proprietary Ltd na Credit Reference Bureau (Holdings) Ltd; pamoja na EFFCO Solutions (T) Ltd na EFFCO (Proprietary) Ltd. 

Miungano mingine iliyoridhiwa ni baina ya MMG Exploration Holdings Ltd na IMX Resources Ltd; Untrac Holding Ltd na Delta Holding Group; Mauritius Union Assurance Cy Ltd na Phoenix Transafrica Holdings Ltd; Petrobas Oil & Gas B.V na Petrobas Tanzania Ltd; State Mining Corporation (STAMICO) and ABG Exploration Limited; State Mining Corporation (STAMICO) na Pangea Minerals Limited; Pavilion Strategic Holdings 1 Pte Limited na Ophir East Africa Holdings Limited; Pavilion Strategic Holdings 1 Pte Limited na Mzalendo Gas Processing Company Limited; Pavilion Strategic Holdings 1 Pte Limited na Ruvuma Pipeline Company Limited; Al Futtaim Autom & Machinery Company LLC na Hughes Motors (Tanzania) Limited; Al Futtaim Autom & Machinery Company LLC na Hughes Agricultural (Tanzania) Limited.

Kipengele cha 11(2) cha Sheria ya Ushindani (Na. 8 ya mwaka 2003) pamoja na Kanuni za Kizingiti cha Utangazaji wa Miungano ya Kampuni za mwaka 2007, kama zilivyorekebishwa na Notisi ya Serikali Namba 93 ya  Aprili 17, 2009, zinabainisha kuwa kampuni zote ambazo thamani ya pamoja ya rasilimali zake au mapato yake ya mwaka yanazidi Sh. Milioni 800 zinapaswa kuiarifu Tume kabla ya kuanza kutekeleza makubaliano ya kuungana.

Imetolewa na Kitengo cha Mawasiliano na Mahusiano ya Umma.

Mei 3, 2014

FCC Approves Three Merger Applications

FCC Approves Three Merger Applications

The Fair Competition Commission had in its 55th Case Hearing Meeting held on 17th April, 2014, acting pursuant to Rule 42(13) of the Fair Competition Procedural Rules 2013, approved without conditions three merger applications notified at the Commission by the merging parties between 20th December, 2013 and 28th March, 2014.

The approved mergers are as follows:

Acquiring Firm
Target Firm
AVIS Southern Africa
Tanzuk Limited
Vodacom Group Limited
Cavalry Holdings Limited
Dutch Oak Tree Foundation
Tanga Dairies Cooperative Union and Tanga Fresh Limited

The Merger between AVIS Southern Africa and Tanzuk Limited relate to automotive leasing business focusing on products, services, research trends and industry insight by the leasing experts.

The Merger between Vodacom Group Limited and Cavalry Holdings Limited relates o the telecommunications service industry, whereas the merger between Dutch Oak Tree Foundation and Tanga Dairies Cooperative Union and Tanga Fresh Limited takes place in the dairy industry.

A merger application between Dutch Oak Tree Foundation and Tanga Dairies Cooperative Union and Tanga Fresh Limited was notified at the Commission on 20th December, 2013. A merger application between AVIS Southern Africa and Tanzuk Limited was notified at the Commission on 21st March, 2014 whereas that between Vodacom Group Limited and Cavalry Holdings Limited was notified on 28th March, 2014. All notifications were made pursuant to Section 11(2) of the Fair Competition Act (No. 8 of 2003) and Rule 33(1) of the Fair Competition Procedural Rules, 2013.

The approvals were granted after FCC had gone through evaluation of notified merger applications at all stages and becoming satisfied that the transactions were not likely to harm competition according to section 11(1) of the Fair Competition Act and the Fair Competition Procedural Rules, 2013. After considering the parties’ submissions and provisions of the law; the Commission determined that the intended merger did not breach the provisions of the Fair Competition Act, No. 8 of 2003.

Between 1st July, 2013 and 28th March, 2014, FCC had approved a total of twenty one (21) notified merger applications without conditions, including the three mentioned above. Other approved notified merger applications in that timeline include the following: InReturn East Africa Fund I.C.V and Dar es Salaam Corridor Group Limited; SCPE, CSSAF & PRIF Afrivest and ETC Group (Mauritius) Limited; Apollo Acquisition Corp and Cooper Tire & Rubber Company; Prime Bank Ltd, First Merchant Bank and Premier Capital Mauritius Ltd and International Commercial Bank; HTT Infraco Ltd and Vodacom Tanzania Limited; TransUnion Africa Holdings Proprietary Ltd and Credit Reference Bureau (Holdings) Ltd; and EFFCO Solutions (T) Ltd and EFFCO (Proprietary) Ltd. 

Other approved mergers are those between MMG Exploration Holdings Ltd and IMX Resources Ltd; Untrac Holding Ltd and Delta Holding Group; Mauritius Union Assurance Cy Ltd and Phoenix Transafrica Holdings Ltd; Petrobas Oil & Gas B.V and Petrobas Tanzania Ltd; State Mining Corporation (STAMICO) and ABG Exploration Limited; State Mining Corporation (STAMICO) and Pangea Minerals Limited; Pavilion Strategic Holdings 1 Pte Limited and Ophir East Africa Holdings Limited; Pavilion Strategic Holdings 1 Pte Limited and Mzalendo Gas Processing Company Limited; Pavilion Strategic Holdings 1 Pte Limited and Ruvuma Pipeline Company Limited; Al Futtaim Autom & Machinery Company LLC and Hughes Motors (Tanzania) Limited; Al Futtaim Autom & Machinery Company LLC and Hughes Agricultural (Tanzania) Limited.

Section 11(2) of the Fair Competition Act (No. 8 of 2003) and the Fair Competition (Threshold Notification of a Merger) Order, 2007, as amended by GN No. 93 of 17th April, 2009 points out that firms should notify a merger to the Commission if the combined value of assets or turnover reaches the set threshold of TShs 800 million.

Issued by the Communications and Public Relations Unit

3rd May, 2014